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Power Your Pastures with the Reliable Zebra Fence Charger - Trusted Electric Fencing Solution

Zebra Fence Charger

The Zebra Fence Charger is a powerful and reliable electric fence energizer, perfect for keeping your livestock safe and secure.

Are you worried about your livestock wandering off? Do you need a reliable and efficient fence charger that can keep your animals safe and secure? Look no further than the Zebra Fence Charger!

With over 25 years of experience, Zebra has established its name as a leading manufacturer of animal containment products. One of their most innovative products is their state-of-the-art fence charger.

This charger offers a variety of features that set it apart from other fence chargers, including its unique design and durable construction. The Zebra Fence Charger is made from high-grade materials that are built to last, and it comes with a 3-year warranty for added peace of mind.

But what really makes the Zebra Fence Charger stand out is its ability to deliver a powerful and consistent electric shock. This ensures that your animals will quickly learn to respect the boundaries of your property and stay safely within the fence.

In fact, studies have shown that electric fencing is one of the most effective ways to contain livestock. According to statistics, electric fences are 98% effective in keeping animals within their designated areas.

Furthermore, the Zebra Fence Charger is easy to install and use, with user-friendly controls and indicators that make it simple to monitor the output voltage and adjust the settings as needed.

Whether you're raising cattle, horses, sheep, or any other type of livestock, the Zebra Fence Charger is the perfect solution for ensuring their safety and security. In addition, the charger is also ideal for protecting your property from unwanted intruders such as deer or other wildlife.

So if you want to invest in a high-quality fence charger that will provide reliable and efficient protection for your animals and property, look no further than the Zebra Fence Charger. Order yours today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your livestock are safe and secure!

The Zebra Fence Charger is an innovative and efficient device that helps in controlling and constraining animals within a confined space. This charger has gained popularity among farmers and animal owners because of its reliable performance and affordable price. Its advanced technology ensures the safety of animals while providing efficient control over them.

What is a Zebra Fence Charger?

A Zebra Fence Charger is a device that is used to maintain a voltage on an electric fence to prevent animals from crossing it. It helps control livestock and wildlife in a specific area by creating a high voltage pulse or shock through the barrier.

There are different types of Zebra Fence Chargers that vary in size, output voltage, and power sources. Some use AC/DC power while others use battery or solar power. Each charger is equipped with unique features and capabilities according to the users’ needs.

How does it work?

The Zebra Fence Charger works by converting electrical energy into a high-voltage pulse that is regulated by a control unit to the selected level. The electricity flows through the fence wire and back into the ground, creating a circuit. When the animal comes into contact with the charged wire, the circuit is completed, allowing the shock to be delivered.

The shock's intensity depends on the distance between the wire and the animal and the level of the pulse set on the control unit. It is important to set the voltage level appropriately to avoid injuring the animals or causing any damage to the fence.

The Benefits of using a Zebra Fence Charger

The Zebra Fence Charger offers several benefits to farmers and animal owners, including;

  • Cost-effective compared to traditional fencing methods
  • Offers flexibility in setting up fences anywhere, including remote areas using solar batteries
  • Keeps animals contained, preventing them from wandering off and getting lost or causing damage
  • Ensures animals’ safety by providing a mild shock that deters them from crossing the fence, discouraging wild animals from attacking livestock
  • Requires low maintenance as components can last for years, reducing repair and replacement costs

Factors to consider when choosing a Zebra Fence Charger

Before purchasing a Zebra Fence Charger, there are several factors to consider, including;

  • The type of animal the fence is meant to contain
  • The size of the area that needs fencing
  • The power source available on-site
  • The voltage level needed to deter animals from crossing the wire
  • Quality of the fence wire and insulation material, which determine the longevity of the device


In conclusion, the Zebra Fence Charger is a reliable and cost-effective device for controlling and constraining animals within a confined space. It provides a safe and efficient way of keeping animals enclosed while ensuring their well-being. However, when choosing this charger, it is essential to consider several factors to make an informed decision. With the right choice, you can protect your livestock and crops while saving on installation and maintenance costs.

Comparison of Zebra Fence Charger

Zebra EDC 5J/10J vs Zebra EDC 20J Fence Charger

A fence charger, also known as an energizer, is a crucial component for any electric fence system. It is responsible for providing periodic pulses of high voltage energy to the fence. These pulses both deter animals from touching the fence and prevent them from forcing their way through.

Zebra is a company that produces a variety of different fence chargers. In this article, we will compare two of their most popular models: the EDC 5J/10J charger and the EDC 20J charger. Here's what you need to know:

Power Ratings

The main difference between these two fence chargers is the power rating. The EDC 5J/10J produces 5J of output energy on a single output or 10J on a split mode. The EDC 20J produces 20J of output energy on a single output. This makes the EDC 20J more powerful and better suited for larger fence systems.

Maximum Fence Length

Another important factor to consider when choosing a fence charger is the maximum fence length that the charger can handle. The EDC 5J/10J is rated for up to 100 km of fence wire, while the EDC 20J can handle up to 300 km. This means that the EDC 20J is again better suited for larger fence systems than the EDC 5J/10J.

Input Voltage

Both of these fence chargers are designed to operate on 230V mains voltage. However, the EDC 20J can also be powered by a 12V battery backup. This can be a helpful feature for those who need to keep their fence operational even in the event of a power outage or other interruption to the main power supply.


The cost of these two fence chargers varies significantly. The EDC 5J/10J is typically priced at around $300, while the EDC 20J is closer to $700. This means that the EDC 20J is more expensive, but this cost is justified by its increased power and fence length capabilities.

Zebra Solar Powered Fence Charger vs Zebra Battery Powered Fence Charger

In addition to their mains-powered fence chargers, Zebra also produces two different types of portable fence chargers: solar-powered and battery-powered. Here is how they compare:

Power Source

The main difference between these two types of portable fence chargers is the power source. The solar-powered charger uses a built-in solar panel to charge an internal battery. The battery-powered charger, on the other hand, relies solely on replaceable batteries (usually D-cell batteries).

Charging Speed

When it comes to charging speed, there is no clear winner. The solar-powered charger relies on the sun to charge its internal battery, which means that it can take longer to charge fully when compared to the battery-powered charger. However, once it is fully charged, it can operate indefinitely as long as it is getting enough sunlight. The battery-powered charger, on the other hand, can be recharged quickly but will eventually run out of battery life and require replacement batteries.


Both of these chargers are designed to be portable, but they have different levels of portability. The solar-powered charger is bulkier and heavier due to the built-in solar panel. This can make it more difficult to transport, but it also means that it is a self-contained unit that doesn't require any external power source beyond sunlight. The battery-powered charger, on the other hand, is much smaller and easier to carry, but it does require a supply of replacement batteries if you plan to use it for an extended period.


The price of these two portable fence chargers is also quite different. The solar-powered charger is typically priced at around $200, while the battery-powered charger is significantly cheaper, usually around $50. However, it's important to remember that the solar-powered charger is a self-contained unit that doesn't require any additional costs beyond the initial purchase price. The battery-powered charger, on the other hand, will require ongoing replacement batteries over time, which can add up in cost over the life of the product.


When choosing a fence charger, there are many factors to consider. It's important to think about the size of your fence system, the type of power source you prefer, and your budget. Zebra produces a wide range of fence chargers that can fit many different needs. By comparing the different models available, you can find the one that's right for you.

Model EDC 5J/10J EDC 20J Solar-Powered Battery-Powered
Power Rating 5J/10J 20J N/A N/A
Max Fence Length 100 km 300 km N/A N/A
Input Voltage 230V Mains 230V Mains or 12V Battery Solar-Powered Battery-Powered
Price $300 $700 $200 $50

Tips and Tutorials for Using Your Zebra Fence Charger


When it comes to keeping your animals safely contained, an electric fence is one of the most effective solutions. And when it comes to electric fence chargers, Zebra is one of the leading brands on the market today. However, like any piece of equipment, it's important to know how to use your Zebra fence charger properly in order to get the best results. In this article, we'll go over some tips and tutorials for using your Zebra fence charger effectively.

Understanding Your Zebra Fence Charger

Before you start using your Zebra fence charger, it's important to understand what it is and how it works. A fence charger, also known as an energizer, is a device that converts the power from a standard outlet into a high-voltage pulse that runs through your electric fence. This pulse is what creates the deterrence that keeps your animals within the confines of the fence. Zebra fence chargers come in a variety of sizes and strengths, so be sure to choose the one that's appropriate for your needs.

Tip #1: Choose the Right Location

When setting up your electric fence, it's important to choose the right location for your Zebra fence charger. You'll want to find a spot that's close to a power source and protected from the elements. Make sure to mount your charger on a sturdy post or wall and keep it out of the reach of children and animals.

Tip #2: Grounding Is Key

One of the most important aspects of using an electric fence is proper grounding. Your Zebra fence charger needs a good ground connection in order to function properly. Make sure that your grounding system includes enough ground rods and that they're placed at the appropriate distance from each other. Check your charger's manual for specific grounding requirements.

Tip #3: Inspect Your Fence Regularly

Regular maintenance of your fence is important for keeping it functioning effectively. Check your fence regularly to make sure that the wires are in good condition, there are no breaks or loose connections, and that vegetation isn't encroaching on the fence.

Tutorial: Installing Your Zebra Fence Charger

Installing your Zebra fence charger is a relatively simple process. Here are the steps:
  1. Choose the location for your charger and mount it securely in place.
  2. Install your grounding system according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Connect the hot wire from your fence to the HOT terminal on the charger. Make sure that the connection is tight and secure.
  4. Connect the ground wire from your fence to the GND terminal on the charger. Again, make sure that the connection is tight and secure.
  5. Plug the charger into a standard outlet and turn it on.
  6. Test your electric fence to make sure that it's working properly.

Tip #4: Use Caution When Handling Chargers

Electric fence chargers can be dangerous if not handled properly. Always take caution when working with your Zebra fence charger. Never touch the terminals while the charger is on and keep it out of the reach of children and animals. It's also important to make sure that your hands and feet are dry when handling the charger, as moisture can conduct electricity.

Tip #5: Don't Overload Your Charger

It's important not to overload your Zebra fence charger. This means that you shouldn't exceed the recommended number of miles of fencing that the charger is designed to handle. Overloading your charger can result in decreased effectiveness and may even damage the charger.

Tutorial: Troubleshooting Your Zebra Fence Charger

If you're experiencing problems with your Zebra fence charger, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue:
  1. Check the power source: Make sure that the outlet you're using is working properly and that there's no issue with the power supply.
  2. Check the grounding system: Make sure that your grounding system is properly installed and that there's no corrosion on the ground rods or wiring.
  3. Check the fence: Look for any breaks or loose connections in your fence wiring that could be causing a loss of voltage.
  4. Check the charger: If none of the above seems to be the problem, you may need to check the charger itself to see if it's functioning properly. Check your manual for troubleshooting tips specific to your model.


Using a Zebra fence charger can help you to keep your animals safely within your electric fence. With proper understanding, installation, and maintenance, your Zebra fence charger will function effectively and keep your animals secure. By following these tips and tutorials, you can ensure that your Zebra fence charger is working at its best.

Zebra Fence Charger: Your Ultimate Solution for Electric Fencing Needs

Electric fencing is widely used in different applications such as agricultural and animal husbandry operations, industrial facilities, residential properties, and even for security purposes. The main objective of electric fencing is to create a psychological barrier that prevents animals or humans from crossing the perimeter. It is known for being an effective, reliable, and low-cost method of containment and deterrence.

However, achieving optimum performance and functionality of your electric fencing system depends on its components, particularly the fence charger. The fence charger is responsible for providing a constant and consistent flow of electricity to the fence wire or tape. It is the core technology that ensures that your electric fencing system operates efficiently and effectively.

This is where Zebra Fence Charger becomes your ultimate solution for electric fencing needs. Zebra is a leading brand in the electric fencing industry, known for producing high-quality and innovative products. Their products are designed to provide maximum performance, reliability, and durability, ensuring that your electric fencing system achieves its full potential.

Zebra Fence Chargers come in different models and types, each specifically designed for different applications. They range from low-powered chargers for small-scale operations to high-powered chargers for large-scale commercial or industrial facilities. Regardless of the model or type, Zebra Fence Chargers offer advanced features that set them apart from other brands.

One of the key features of Zebra Fence Chargers is their customizable output voltage. Unlike other fence chargers that have a fixed output voltage, Zebra Charger allows you to adjust the voltage level according to your specific needs. This feature ensures that you have full control over the electrical output and can customize it in a way that maximizes efficiency without compromising safety.

Another advanced feature of Zebra Fence Chargers is its energy-efficient design. The chargers are designed to consume minimal power while providing maximum performance. This feature translates to lower energy costs and longer battery life, making Zebra Chargers a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Zebra Fence Chargers are also designed to be user-friendly and easy to install. They come with detailed installation instructions and can be easily mounted on walls or poles. The chargers also have an ergonomic design that allows for easy operation and maintenance.

When it comes to safety, Zebra Fence Chargers prioritize the welfare of both animals and humans. All Zebra products comply with international safety standards and have safety features such as surge protectors and short-circuit protection. The chargers also generate low-impedance power, ensuring that the system is safe for animals and humans.

In conclusion, Zebra Fence Charger is your ultimate solution for electric fencing needs. Their advanced features, customizable output voltage, energy-efficient design, user-friendly installation, and safety measures make them stand out in the electric fencing industry. Whether you're an agricultural or animal husbandry operator, industrial facility manager, or just a homeowner looking for an efficient and reliable electric fence, Zebra Fence Charger is the perfect fit for you.

Thank you for reading our article about Zebra Fence Charger. We hope that we have provided you with valuable insights and information about the importance of fence chargers in achieving optimum performance and functionality of your electric fencing system. If you have any questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to assist you in finding the best Zebra Fence Charger that suits your needs.

People Also Ask About Zebra Fence Charger

What is a Zebra Fence Charger?

A Zebra Fence Charger is an electric fence energizer that is designed to keep livestock and other animals within designated areas. It is equipped with high-quality materials, such as high-temperature resistant plastics to ensure safety when setting up the charger.

How does a Zebra Fence Charger work?

Zebra Fence Charger works by converting a low voltage, high amperage AC power into a high voltage, slow amperage shock to deter animals from escaping or entering a designated area. The charger produces intermittently high voltage pulses of energy that travel along the fence wires making contact with any animal that comes into contact with the fence.

What type of charger should be used for my electric fence?

The type of charger you use will depend on the type of fence you have and the number of animals you need to contain. A Zebra Fence Charger is ideal for electric fencing systems that require high levels of power for large numbers of animals. However, if you have a smaller pasture that requires low power output, a less powerful model may be suitable.

Can the Zebra Fence Charger be used in all weather conditions?

Yes, the Zebra Fence Charger is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions and harsh environments. It is waterproof and made of non-corrosive materials to protect it from corrosion and rust. This makes it durable and long-lasting.

How do I install a Zebra Fence Charger?

Installing a Zebra Fence Charger is relatively easy. Start by ensuring that the charger is mounted on a dry and flat surface. Then, wire the charger to the fence using the appropriate wire connectors. Finally, connect the charger to a power source and adjust the settings to suit your needs.

What is the warranty offered on a Zebra Fence Charger?

A Zebra Fence Charger typically comes with a one-year warranty against manufacturing defects. However, different models may have different warranty periods, so it's always important to check the manufacturer's details before making a purchase.

  • A Zebra Fence Charger is an electric fence energizer designed for livestock and other animals.
  • Zebra Fence Charger works by converting a low voltage, high amperage AC power into a high voltage, slow amperage shock.
  • The type of charger you use will depend on the type of fence you have and the number of animals you need to contain.
  • The Zebra Fence Charger is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions and harsh environments.
  • Installing a Zebra Fence Charger is relatively easy.
  • Zebra Fence Charger typically comes with a one-year warranty against manufacturing defects.

People Also Ask about Zebra Fence Charger

What is a Zebra Fence Charger?

A Zebra Fence Charger is an electric fence energizer specifically designed to power and maintain electric fences for livestock and agricultural purposes. It is a device that converts electrical energy into pulses of high voltage, which are then transmitted through the fence wire.

How does a Zebra Fence Charger work?

A Zebra Fence Charger works by receiving a low-voltage electrical input from a power source, such as a battery or mains electricity. It then amplifies this input voltage and transforms it into high-voltage pulses. These pulses are sent through the fence wire, creating an electric shock when touched by animals or humans.

What are the benefits of using a Zebra Fence Charger?

There are several benefits to using a Zebra Fence Charger:

  1. Effective animal containment: A Zebra Fence Charger provides a strong deterrent for animals, preventing them from escaping the designated area.
  2. Improved security: By electrifying the fence, it becomes an effective barrier against potential intruders or predators.
  3. Easy installation: Zebra Fence Chargers are designed to be user-friendly and can be easily installed on existing fences.
  4. Low maintenance: These chargers are typically durable and require minimal maintenance once properly set up.
  5. Cost-effective: Electric fences powered by Zebra Fence Chargers are generally more affordable compared to traditional fencing options.

Can a Zebra Fence Charger harm animals or humans?

When installed and used correctly, a Zebra Fence Charger should not cause any serious harm to animals or humans. The electric shock delivered by the charger is designed to startle and deter rather than injure. However, it is important to follow safety guidelines and ensure that the voltage output is appropriate for the intended use.

What factors should I consider when choosing a Zebra Fence Charger?

When selecting a Zebra Fence Charger, you should consider the following:

  1. Fence length and power requirements: Ensure that the charger you choose is suitable for the length of your fence and can provide enough power to maintain its effectiveness.
  2. Power source: Decide whether you prefer a battery-powered or mains-powered charger based on your specific requirements and availability of electricity.
  3. Weatherproofing: If your fence is exposed to the elements, opt for a charger that is designed to withstand different weather conditions.
  4. Additional features: Consider any extra features you may need, such as alarms, indicator lights, or remote control capabilities.
Remember to always refer to the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for proper installation and usage of a Zebra Fence Charger to ensure optimal performance and safety.